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Jun 20, 2024

Big Data vs. Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake vs. OLTP vs. OLAP

Explore key concepts in data management, from big data to OLTP vs. OLAP, data lakes vs. warehouses, and machine learning for business intelligence.

The use of data in numerous businesses to inform choices, enhance operations, and gain a competitive edge has made it an essential part of modern life. As data gathering and analysis become increasingly significant, understanding the fundamental terms used in the profession is crucial. This blog will provide you with a thorough understanding of the major terms and concepts that constitute the basis of data analysis, whether you're already familiar with them or just want to brush up.

Big Data vs Data Warehouse

Big Data

Big Data refers to large datasets, or the technology used to handle them. It is characterized by three key attributes: volume, velocity, and variety. 

  • Volume: This refers to the sheer size of the data, which can range from terabytes to petabytes or even zettabytes. For example, social media platforms like Facebook generate about 4 petabytes of data per day.
  • Velocity: This is the speed at which data is generated and processed. For instance, financial market data and IoT sensor data need to be processed in real-time to be useful.
  • Variety: This pertains to the different types of data, which can include structured data (like databases), semi-structured data (like JSON files), and unstructured data (like videos and social media posts).

We can visualize these attributes on a 3D graph where the x-axis represents volume, the y-axis represents velocity, and the z-axis represents variety. The more your data spreads across these dimensions, the bigger and more complex your data is.

key Attributes of Big Data Volumne, Velocity and Variety (Image from dataddice)

Data Lakes 

Data lakes aare repositories for raw and/or unstructured datasets, stored in their native format. They are flexible, allowing for the addition of new data types at any time. Examples of data lake solutions include Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, and Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage. Data ingestion into a data lake typically involves an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process, which extracts data from various sources, transforms it into a suitable format, and loads it into the data lake for storage.

Data Warehouse

Data warehouses store processed datasets in an organized and structured way, optimized for query and analysis. Unlike data lakes, data warehouses are more rigid, making it harder to change their structure once established. Popular data warehouse tools include Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, and Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics. They are designed for specific, predefined purposes and are ideal for business intelligence tasks.

In the context of "data lake vs. data warehouse," a data lake is best for storing and processing diverse, unstructured data, while a data warehouse is suited for structured data optimized for business intelligence.


On-line Transactional Processing (OLTP) and On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) are both types of data processing systems and both of them are online database systems, hence the name “On-Line Processing”. The difference between them is how they are used or the methods of querying the database. 


OLTPis a technique for processing transactions instantly using an online database. It is commonly used by businesses like banks, hotels, and e-commerce platforms where real-time transaction processing is critical. For example, when you withdraw money from an ATM, OLTP systems ensure your account balance is updated immediately.


OLAP, on the other hand, is used for complex data analysis and querying. It allows businesses to analyze large volumes of data from multiple perspectives. For instance, a retail company might use OLAP to analyze sales data by product, region, and time period to identify trends and make strategic decisions.

Large volumes of data can be analyzed using the OLAP approach. For instance, a business can use OLAP to filter and analyze data depending on each component of its advertising efforts, including consumer exposure, ad length, product sales, and advertising expenses. Businesses frequently use OLAP for complex analytical calculations, data extraction, financial analysis, budgeting, and trend forecasting.

In simple terms, difference between OLPT and OLAP is that OLTP modifies the database in real-time with each transaction, while OLAP queries and analyzes large datasets for insights. OLTP workloads focus on high-speed, real-time transactional processing, while OLAP systems are designed for heavy-duty data analysis.

Batch and Streaming Data 

Data can be collected and processed in two primary ways: batch and streaming.

Batch Processing

Batch Processing involves collecting data over a defined period and then processing it all at once. This method is suitable for handling large volumes of data, such as end-of-day processing of banking transactions or monthly payroll processing.

Stream processing

Streaming Processing involves continuously collecting and processing data as it is generated. This is ideal for applications requiring real-time analytics, such as monitoring social media feeds or tracking live sensor data from IoT devices. Tools like Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis are commonly used for streaming data processing.


In conclusion, big data, data warehouses, and data lakes are essential tools for any data-driven organization. On-line Transactional Processing (OLTP) and On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) are two distinct methods of querying databases, while batch and streaming are two ways to collect and process data. Understanding these terms and their distinctions is key to successful data management and analysis. With the help of these tools and concepts, organizations can better utilize their data to make informed decisions and improve their operations.

Data scientists play a crucial role in navigating these technologies and extracting meaningful insights from large datasets. Machine learning and artificial intelligence further enhance the capabilities of data analysis, enabling predictive analytics and advanced business intelligence.

By mastering these concepts, businesses can harness the power of data to drive innovation, optimize processes, and stay competitive in an increasingly data-centric world. Understanding the nuances of data marts and how users accessing data warehouses can benefit from structured datasets are also vital in today’s data landscape.

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